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Snow Wolf
Snow Wolf
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Join date : 2022-01-27

What is it going to take? Empty What is it going to take?

Tue Feb 08, 2022 11:11 am
I have been thinking a lot recently about what it’s going to take to make the leap. Apart from those rare cases that transmogrify spontaneously and may not be fully prepared for their new life, it seems that the majority of people work towards this process more slowly, but in quantum leaps.

As you release all the programs from your belief system you see things more clearly, as they actually are, according to a response Mikal gave me when I asked the question if all Immortals “see” and read situations the same way.

But what of personal growth and evolution? By the time we are getting ready for Transmogrification the seeker should be living in an almost perpetual state of meditation and Vampyreland is but a breath away, again according to TOTI.

Living that way would surely change you fundamentally right to your core. You could not be the same person who used to sway back and forth between the same old reactions and dramas in your personal life.

Have been looking at where I am and where I would like to be in myself.
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What is it going to take? Empty Re: What is it going to take?

Thu Feb 10, 2022 10:06 am
This is something I focus a lot on meditation. How do I even prepare myself for the end of the world as I know it? Even tougher, how will I make it happen? Something that helps is to visualise but at the end of the day it's just images and feelings and it's probably not accurate at all to what will actually be like. Astral projection is what has helped the most in getting used to a new assemblage point.

Honestly, I think we underestimate the place we are in right now. "A perpetual state of meditation" is great of course and would indicate you are closing in on transmogrification but I doubt that a lot of seekers that are now immortals reached that state before transmogrifying. They were just like us, always battling between eternity and complacency/dayshine world until they were not. The only thing that matters is to summon the Will, no matter if we reached that ideal state of mind (that could be likened to an immortal) or not.
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What is it going to take? Empty Re: What is it going to take?

Fri Feb 11, 2022 1:35 am
I agree with Uthred. It seems like "a perpetual state of meditation" would be how one who is already immortal exists, not someone struggling day to day in the modern world. Maybe monks who sequester themselves away from all technology and distractions could achieve it. These aren't excuses, either, just something more to ponder. This world we live in now is VERY good at providing distractions, addicting distractions whether they cause positive or negative feelings. But just thinking about my own words, I realize in a round about way it answers the riddle of "you have to be immortal before you can become immortal." So if an immortal lives in a "perpetual state of meditation" then one who achieves that state IS immortal. Astral projection does seem like it would be one of the better tools to use to access that new assemblage point. Some of my more successful meditations have included feelings of separation from the body and of expanding beyond my "meat suit."
Snow Wolf
Snow Wolf
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What is it going to take? Empty Re: What is it going to take?

Fri Feb 11, 2022 9:19 am
Yeah of corse, we all dance between eternity and dayshine complacency, I certainly do agree that however we may think it is going to happen, it will be completely different.

I can’t find where I read that quote from Mikal anywhere, it may in fact have been on his forum in a post but I know he was definitely referring to a seeker because it made a huge impact on me and has stayed with me since. However, he may have used the word gnosis, to be in a perpetual state of gnosis, which is kind of like a meditate state. 

Uthred do you astral travel? 

I used to be able to do it spontaneously and was flying around the house, going through walls and ceilings and then I started venturing outside in my neighbourhood. It was a fantastic and liberating experience once I got over my terror and fear. I just had to think of where I wanted to move to and I would move instantly but when I started going to that spiritual school it all got shut down completely and have never been able to do it since Crying or Very sad
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What is it going to take? Empty Re: What is it going to take?

Fri Feb 11, 2022 11:23 am
Snow Wolf wrote:
Uthred do you astral travel? 

I used to be able to do it spontaneously and was flying around the house, going through walls and ceilings and then I started venturing outside in my neighbourhood. It was a fantastic and liberating experience once I got over my terror and fear. I just had to think of where I wanted to move to and I would move instantly but when I started going to that spiritual school it all got shut down completely and have never been able to do it since Crying or Very sad
I do (just had one 2 hours ago in fact) but I'm no expert, can do it a few times a month if I'm lucky. I have explored outside the house many times but I've been trying to travel to higher realms with no success so far. It's very hard to maintain a good AP for long and it's easy to lose the focus of what I wanted to achieve when I can just fly around (such a cool sensation). Have tried to meet with my Other but also a tough one so far. But going step by step what I really need is to increase the length of the projections.

In the latest projections I actually feel a really intense fear when I realise I'm in a world where the Will manifests more naturally and that I could just transmogrificate there and then. Maybe that's what will happen eventually, hopefully.

If you think Astral travelling helps your path why not try again from scratch, pretend that you don't know anything about it. Sometimes I have months where nothing happens and I return to the basics. And I noticed it happens the most when I just relax and let it come and don't do any techniques.
Snow Wolf
Snow Wolf
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What is it going to take? Empty Re: What is it going to take?

Fri Feb 11, 2022 11:48 am
I have tried and tried and tried so many times with so many various techniques but I have had no luck for years. 

I have tried to set a strong intent and just “let go” but to no avail. When it happened initially for me I had no interest in doing it, like I said it was spontaneous and took me many attempts to leave my bedroom because the elation I felt was coupled with a lot of terror. The one thing the experience has left me with is knowing how it feels to want to go somewhere and your intent makes it happen instantly.

How did you start? Did you try out different techniques or did it also happen naturally?
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What is it going to take? Empty Re: What is it going to take?

Fri Feb 11, 2022 12:18 pm
I've tried pretty much all the techniques, the direct method, indirect, ramp timer, through lucid dreaming. My first ever was through a lucid dream where I became lucid in my bedroom and rolled out while in the dream, kinda strange and I wasn't even trying to do that. Besides that the only way it seems to work for me is what people say is the hardest, the direct method. Just the brute force method of laying in bed or somewhere comfortable and relax for around an hour or so without moving at all. In this method when I try too hard such as visualizing the bedroom/swimming/rope/etc is when it doesn't work so well. If I just try to relax as deeply as possible what happens is that I lose consciousness around after an hour and when I regain it I'm in this void state where I don't feel the body and it's oddly peaceful. That is when I start to do some technique (usually visualizing my bedroom and scrutinizing everything works) and leaving the body comes soon after. I don't even get vibrations anymore or a feeling of separation, I just appear in my room. But this is very time consuming so I've been trying the wake back to bed technique because it basically skips that first hour of relaxing.

Probably the easiest method is indeed the indirect one (I made it work one or two times) but I find it so hard to not move at all as soon as waking up. It's just so natural to move.
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What is it going to take? Empty Re: What is it going to take?

Sat Feb 12, 2022 10:59 pm
Hm, I will have to try some of the techniques you said Uthred. Some sound familiar. Me too for the first astral travels. Mine were in lucid dreaming. So awesome that floating feeling and being in the same world but different. So hard to describe but one of my best astral travel lucid dreams was I could actually feel I had this astral body and could use it to manipulate the things around me. I went outside my house and things were odd looking but still recognizably my neighborhood. It was like I was seeing with a different type of perception/sense/eyes, kind of like how some animals can see in ultra-low light or can see on the light spectrum that is invisible to humans. Everything had this kind of pearl-gray-pink color to it. Moving around in that version of the world felt a lot freer and easier than moving around in a more physical body. While I still felt gravity's effects, I was no longer hampered by it and could rise and float by my Will. SO amazing. I haven't had a lucid dream in a long time but then again I haven't been actively trying to lately so... ha. Guess you get out of it what you put into it.

Snow Wolf, I've felt that fear, too, when you get so far and everything seems so different it's kind of intimidating I think if you aren't used to it. I'd imagine the terror would dissipate with familiarity. I haven't ever gotten that far. When the fear comes, the "bubble" collapses and I'm shunted back into the "real" world. Sad Bleah! Wonder if there's a good way to just push past that: recognize it for what it is, acknowledge it, and then bypass it.
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Join date : 2022-02-03

What is it going to take? Empty Re: What is it going to take?

Sat Apr 23, 2022 4:02 am
Hello. I've wanted to astral project for a few years and haven't been able to. I'm unable to get proper sleep, I wake up in the middle of the night for no reason whether I have planned to attempt or just sleep, but it does seem like a fantastic tool if you can harness it. Sometimes it worries me that I "should" be able to do it if I'm really on the right path, but that doesn't really make sense. Ultimately I don't think it's anything to worry about. I don't know about anybody else, but ever since I read TOTI a couple of years ago, I feel like my imagination has gotten a lot more powerful. Not just powerful in the sense of vividness of senses but also in the sense of being able to affect my physical form with it. That pleases me more than not being able to AP frustrates me. When I transmogrify it'll be way, way better than AP anyway, so I'm not allocating focus into getting bent out of shape about it.

But I am not going to pretend I wouldn't really, really love to experience AP. It's been a long time since I've seriously tried, maybe it's time to try again from a fresh perspective with a new attitude and spiritual strength.
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