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Snow Wolf
Snow Wolf
Posts : 210
Join date : 2022-01-27

Blue Lotus high Empty Blue Lotus high

Sun Feb 20, 2022 5:58 am
I brewed a tea made from dried blue lotus  flowers and hesitantly drank a little in the afternoon. It is extremely calming and relaxing, a bit like cannabis and was used by the ancient Egyptians for all sorts of psychic properties and to promote lucid dreaming . I then drank a little more just before I went to bed and had THE  craziest almost lucid dreams. You can also smoke the dried flowers and can be used if you are trying to give up nicotine as it has such a calming effect. I am extremely sensitive to all drugs whether pharmaceutical or recreational and stay away from both so I was hesitant to try but will give it another shot before bedtime again.

Thought I’d share.  Google the properties of the flower to find out more.
Posts : 38
Join date : 2022-01-27

Blue Lotus high Empty Re: Blue Lotus high

Sun Feb 20, 2022 6:15 am
They're probably illegal here in the U.S. Our government is notoriously allergic to allowing mind-altering substances, no matter how innocuous, into the hands or bloodstreams of its people with the exception of booze and nicotine. Just BARELY starting to allow teensy, eensy amounts of weed to become legal in a smattering of states even though alcohol overconsumption has caused far more deaths than pot ever will. Sigh. It's 100% bullshit how adults are infantilized by the government over here and not allowed to make their own decisions regarding what goes into their body unless it supports already established big industries. Hell, remember the Back to the Future movies where we were supposed to have flying cars by 2015...? Nope, cause that would topple Big Oil. Can't even get a good portion of electric, non-flying cars on the road yet. Ugh. But I digress. Glad you had some interesting experiences!
Snow Wolf
Snow Wolf
Posts : 210
Join date : 2022-01-27

Blue Lotus high Empty Re: Blue Lotus high

Sun Feb 20, 2022 7:05 am
Yyyeeppp! That’s the way it is.

It is so heart warning that THEY protect us from all these illicit substances, they really care about us. That’s why it is almost time for the 4th jab to now be officially mandated. The more jabs  the better I say, they  really care about everyone’s  immune systems  Twisted Evil
Posts : 32
Join date : 2022-01-27

Blue Lotus high Empty Re: Blue Lotus high

Sun Feb 20, 2022 9:43 am
Cool experience, how did you come across them? Here the only way to get them is through some sketchy websites that also sell magic mushrooms (also something I wanna try but haven't had the chance because I don't live alone yet).
Snow Wolf
Snow Wolf
Posts : 210
Join date : 2022-01-27

Blue Lotus high Empty Re: Blue Lotus high

Sun Feb 20, 2022 5:11 pm
The website is:

They are located in Australia where I live and he says he ships to all overseas locations but keep in mind there could be import restrictions around dried vegetation in various countries.  We have really strict laws around importing any dried vegetation for personal use.

Mind you one packet of dried flowers is only 10gms, is in a completely sealed almost flat plastic lined paper bag, 6” x 4” so it could be mailed in just an envelope. There are 5 - 10 flower heads in one bag.

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Posts : 38
Join date : 2022-01-27

Blue Lotus high Empty Re: Blue Lotus high

Sun Feb 20, 2022 8:43 pm
Re: the jabs, I'm becoming more and more dubious about those by the day. At first I didn't buy into any conspiracy theories about them but now it's getting out of hand. It's just another manufactured distraction and control method invented by the program to keep everyone in line. I heard now it's might be a yearly thing like the flu shot but a lot more pressure to do it. Gimmie a break! Way to boost Big Pharma. You know how rich those drug companies are getting off the COVID scare despite Pfizer's stock prices going down lately? Some places here are fighting back against people having to show their vax cards to get into certain venues. The venues themselves are like, no, that's bullshit. We're just going to keep the masks on and let anyone who's paying come in because we're not going to alienate the non-vaxed people or we'll lose a lot of business. Kudos to them. My BFF is traveling to Aruba soon and Aruba REQUIRES people to have a QR code linked to their vax records in order for them to get into the country for vacation. To me that's one step away from having a barcode tattooed on your body somewhere for people to scan and know everything there is to know about you or having a chip implanted. This is really scary shit. I wanna move to a different planet. Of course if you were jabbed by the state, you don't have a magical QR code. She got her second jab at a pharmacy so she has this dumb thing but her mom who is going with her was vaxed by the state both times so no QR code. Don't know how she's going to get into Aruba for her vaca. Maybe sneak in? Jesus Christ.

Re: the Blue lotus, sounds like you don't get much per package. How much do you brew in a tea? I mean I assume as much as you want but maybe the minimum to get high? One flower? Two? Just curious.
Snow Wolf
Snow Wolf
Posts : 210
Join date : 2022-01-27

Blue Lotus high Empty Re: Blue Lotus high

Sun Feb 20, 2022 10:33 pm
Well, from my own observations of the world around me and what I see and hear, seems like some conspiracy theories are not theories at all but actual facts.

When the covid bullshit circus started 2 years ago we were told over and over that as soon as the jabs arrive we will be protected. If YOU get the jab, YOU will be safe, or as safe as possible.  When the jabs arrived and people were not lining up by the millions then the narrative changed to EVERYONE has to get jabbed or no one is really safe. And the celebs and people of influence jumped on the bandwagon, and the case numbers were pumped out constantly to keep the fear going.

There is a meme that was going around that sums this up perfectly. Two people are walking along the road in the rain, one has their umbrella up and the other doesn’t . The one who HAS their umbrella up says to the one who doesn’t “My umbrella won’t work properly unless you put yours up as well.” Ridiculous.

In 2020 prior to the release of the jabs nobody in my circle of close friends, acquaintances and friends of friends got covid. Nobody. Now everyone I know has been jabbed and everyone has had covid. Go figure.

Re Blue Lotus one flower is enough in a big mug or small teapot to bring about a pleasant relaxed feeling. You can keep topping it up with boiling water but it you want more of a  high I guess you’ll need more flowers.
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