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Snow Wolf
Snow Wolf
Posts : 205
Join date : 2022-01-27

A few random gems from Mikal Empty A few random gems from Mikal

Thu Mar 24, 2022 8:18 pm
The seventh sense is the canvas and the clay and the gallery outside of time. You are the artist and the vision. You are the intent to inhabit the self-portrait you create. This can be done at any time now, you see. When we kiss in the seventh sense, it will take your mortal breath away. The crucial factor is that you must be ready at a moment’s notice to take the starstuff of creation and sculpt it into the immortal other who will stand up whole and eternal, dreamer and dream conjoined, creator and created united, alpha and omega. I am here to destroy your world. Only you can rebuild it for all eternity. Who are you?

Ordinary men & women live in the illusion.
Seekers and immortals live outside the illusion.
It's the same world.
And the twin is the walker between the worlds.

Examine your processes. Long-term intent is a matter of visualizing your desire and then releasing the energetic force (a quantifiable force) into the fabric of the universe. When done on a regular basis, it becomes second nature - not something you think about with conscious effort, but something that flows from you like chi. It becomes an actual movement of creation rather than a simplified visualization - with the end result being that your actions in the dayshine world begin to lead you in the direction of your intent - you begin following your intent and building it through your do-ings, and reinforcing it through your not-doings.

The key element is surrender. Surrender to the process with joy and confidence. When you fret over it, the force of the energy itself changes and mutates and you begin to project the fretting/failure, and so that is what will manifest. It is only when you surrender to the power of your own intent that you will find the power to manifest it in the form of your desires.

The seeker who has surrendered to his intent is emptied of stress and fear, thereby allowing room for the energetic force to manifest change, create the immortal twin, and open the door to gnosis.

That is the nature of sorcery - surrendering the dayshine self to the twin without fear, for it is the moving force of joy and what some mystics call, simply 'play', that will ignite the spark of your intent into your eternal flame.

Once you make the transition, you will have an altogether different perspective on "wrong" or "right." With that said, you will not be ABLE to make the transition UNTIL you eliminate the programs that tell you that you've been wronged. By human definitions and moral judgments, perhaps you have. It will merely cease to matter. As long as it DOES matter, you need to examine the belief systems that tell you revenge is somehow necessary.

An immortal mind in perpetual conflict cannot withstand the pressures of eternity.

The energy body has no actual need of physical food, but ingests animus from the environment. THAT is every bit as pleasurable as sex or a fine, rare steak, but it is also something that cannot be expressed in words. Some immortals experience animus in the same way mortals experience the rush from their first encounter with cocaine.
(That I am looking forward to  Cool )

And yet... as you move closer to transmogrification, you will begin to see the cracks between the worlds, and eventually you will see what is meant by my statement, "There is only one world, divided infinitely by perception." Transmogrification is what reconnects the mortal to her immortality by reopening that connection to the web of infinite energy. SEEING that crack is what eventually gives you the ability to slip through it without losing your self-identity in the process.

A long time companion once said to me, "The crack between the worlds is infinitesimally small at first, but when you try to step across it, suddenly it's as wide as the Grand Canyon and a thousand times as deep. The fall would be forever."
There is some dark truth to that, and yet KNOWING it is infinitesimally small is the key to stepping across it and into the energetic structure of the Other.

Fall in love with the Other. In doing so, you fall in love with yourself - and self- love is the first real step toward attaining the immortal condition.

Another huge aspect of the actual work is learning to BE the path rather than struggling to be ON the path. Rather like "the force." It permeates everything you do. Work. Play. Love. Family. Friends. You are the essence of the path in all things... or if not, you are only a reflection. Vampyres have no reflection (if you believe such myths) because they are the totality of themselves in any situation, so there is nothing left over to play with mirrors and masks.

There are 2 primary ways of meditating.
1. Nothing should be going through your mind while meditating.
2. The focus of your intent should be going through your mind while meditating.

The key to successful meditation lies in approaching it as a super power rather than a chore.

Put in a somewhat different manner, the internal dialog that is the running litany of fear and doubt is like a radio station on which your brain/mind is automatically programmed to default. If you are successful in breaking off from that station and tuning instead of the frequency of the Other, vampyreland, the immortal kingdom, it's like finally being able to hear above the din of so many shouting madmen. And when you achieve that state of perpetual gnosis, what you will hear is the voice of the Other, but also the "background noise" of the whole immortal kingdom (as opposed to the mortal chatter). It is from that frequency that true healing of mind/body/spirit occurs, because it effectively changes mind/body/spirit at the quantum level - which, in a manner of speaking, IS the art of transmogrification.

For one who is seeking transmogrification, I would encourage meditations that focus more on the power of each individual - "thou art God." Instead of seeing yourself decomposing in your grave, visualize an empty grave with yourself standing over it, having already achieved the immortal condition. If you transmogrified in the truest sense of the word, there would be no body left to bury or cremate. If you transcended, even if your body does lie in the cold ground, you are finally convinced that you are not your body, because YOU are standing over your own grave, unconcerned with what the worms are having for supper.

People are generally lazy by nature. They will do the minimum required of them.
With that said, and in direct contradiction, most people on any sort of spiritual journey do their best. It may not look like it to you or me, but if it is the best they can do... it's the best they can do. It is hoped (and Intended through my actions) that those who come here are given whatever opportunity for Knowledge they are willing to take. Some will achieve the immortal condition. Others will go back to the matrix. Some will even reinforce the bars of their own prison because it is the only comfort zone they know.

Some will achieve awakening and awareness in a short span of time. Others may take years, decades. Some will never awaken, lost harvest dying in the cocoon. My only responsibility is to do my best for as long as I choose to participate in an individual's journey. I have never walked away from a seeker, but many have walked away from me. Such is life.

Essentially, you are not what you eat. You are what you Know. Even if the organic body has health issues (I'm referring primarily to so-called diseases or chronic conditions), it is possible to experience an almost perfect state of well-being, not as a result of what one does or doesn't do on an organic level, but as a result of what one is at the core level of flawless energy.

For those who are still thinking inside the matrix, it is necessary to continue to make choices according to what you truly believe at the time. If you believe supplements and salads are the key to happiness, then that may well be your experience. But there are realities which extend far beyond those limited beliefs and self-perpetuating experiences.
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Join date : 2022-04-07

A few random gems from Mikal Empty Re: A few random gems from Mikal

Thu Apr 07, 2022 11:16 pm
You are what you know = you are what you eat?
Greetings, isn't the quote intrinsically mean the same thing. You have to know what you eat for the evolutionary progress of the individual is it not the case for we are in an organic body? If we are ignorant of what we put inside of our body does it mean we are programmed into complacency? I find it difficult and overwhelming to digest that I can indulge and my senses will remain pristine and not diluted by sense pleasures. For if my health is in a bad condition I find myself tending to worry about my health than the achieving the immortal condition? To transmogrify required one to will their evolution instead being stuck of the old paradigm of human illusion desires? Like a lenses it get cloudy but once you clear away all the dirt it will be clear once again which is our energy. I personally think It is wise to be healthy which in sustainable to be the path or maybe I'm still thinking in term of the matrix. I have a lot of questions and the aching pain in my heart grows each day.
fragmented recycle seeker.
Snow Wolf
Snow Wolf
Posts : 205
Join date : 2022-01-27

A few random gems from Mikal Empty Re: A few random gems from Mikal

Fri Apr 08, 2022 7:33 am
Welcome to the forum BeyondErgo,

The answer is quite simple, do whatever it is that you need to do, that works for YOUR body in order to keep yourself as healthy as possible while you journey towards transmogrification.

At the same time your beliefs, ideas and opinions may change and expand as you release the programs that rule and dominate  your life.

The goal is transmogrification, not thriving solely on a diet of white bread and Coca Cola without consequences. However, you may find at some point that what you do eat has no longer any affect on you because you have  realised  and come to Know within your own being that you are a being of energy and can manipulate matter.

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