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Snow Wolf
Snow Wolf
Posts : 210
Join date : 2022-01-27

The Program Empty The Program

Sun Jul 17, 2022 12:27 pm
I have been distracted by my own challenges of late, but after pondering and meditating on the dream I had last night about the Program (see post in Immortal Diaries Dreams and Visions) I am reminded again of how deep and all consuming the Program is. It’s tentacles probe so deep into every aspect of life until you forget it even exists. It’s not some background noise you encounter occasionally, it is The Matrix of this planet.

I am reminded of a scene in The Devil’s Advocate where Al Pacino (the Devil) tells Keanu Reeves that the greatest trick of the Devil is to make you believe he does not exist.

Substitute the Program for the Devil.

Mikal discussed many times what the Program is, whether evil alien entities or just the continuation of ingrained human beliefs and behaviour over centuries of “time”. Regardless, it’s presence is everywhere, in the air in the ether and “it” doesn’t want anybody getting out alive. Compliance is what it wants, to keep the status quo ticking over. And to keep you distracted with challenges, indignations and plain simple fear.
Posts : 33
Join date : 2022-02-03

The Program Empty Re: The Program

Tue Jul 19, 2022 7:03 am
There's something to be said for how babies and children are so full of magic and wonder. i think that's what it naturally looks like when you haven't been assimilated by the Program yet. And then they invariably get assimilated.

I think the Program could be a self-perpetuating cycle from humanity as a collective. If self-fulfilling prophecy is real if somebody's belief is deeply entrenched enough, this could be like that on a mass scale, and if that's the case, it isn't going anywhere.  Sort of like a mass psychogenic illness outbreak or mass hysteria or something, but far more fundamental and out of control.

From an even more cynical point of view, there's also something to be said for keeping humanity afraid, confused, jaded, unhealthy/sick, subservient, and docile. Instilling it in them to worship politicians, deities, celebrities.

I do personally believe this planet is tightly controlled by an insurmountable evil. At the most mundane... sociopathic, untouchable politicians playing god with the world. Possibly, extradimensional beings. Either way, there is a clear, concerted effort to make sure people don't know their power. It runs deeper than physical destruction though, it is The Program. It permeates your very perception.

All you can do is transmogrify and transcend to where The Program can never hope to reach. The Program held you captive for the blink of an eye, but your victory over it is eternal.

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