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Snow Wolf
Snow Wolf
Posts : 210
Join date : 2022-01-27

Who am I? Empty Who am I?

Sun Aug 28, 2022 12:15 pm
I sat with my heart in silence for what seemed like hours, even days. I wanted to know and understand “who am I”. This is what I was finally shown.

Hogwarts is nothing compared to the Earthly Realm. Here we have all manner of Magicians from the darkest to the brightest living in a 3D reality, dealing with and finding solutions and belief systems for every conceivable “problem” that can be encountered in this physical realm. From Atheism to Christianity, Communism to Zen Buddhism, Astrology to Numerology, all manner of creativity and everything in between.

All created to give meaning and to appease.
But most don’t realise they are Magicians, they have no clue.

And yet behind it all is the realm of thought and imagination that we have within us and the malleable Play-Do of Energy that we hold in our hands. If you don’t like the solutions that are on offer then create your own. You have simply forgotten what you are capable of and the Magician that you are. Limitations exist for you to find a way to go beyond them.

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Join date : 2022-02-03

Who am I? Empty Re: Who am I?

Sun Aug 28, 2022 12:53 pm
Not only do most not realize, but they are actively hostile to the idea not just for themselves but anybody else as well. You have to be careful in this world, unfortunately.

Snow Wolf wrote:
And yet behind it all is the realm of thought and imagination that we have within us and the malleable Play-Do of Energy that we hold in our hands. If you don’t like the solutions that are on offer then create your own. You have simply forgotten what you are capable of and the Magician that you are.

I like that as a sort of theory of everything for the strange and supernatural. For example, I personally don't believe in ghosts. Never had a shred of experiences like that, or any other reason to believe. I've been to one or two places in my life that were known to be "haunted" and... nothing, as I expected.

But an unintuitive malleable reality could explain such for people who do and have had experiences. I like to try to maintain a balance between keeping a reasonably level head - sometimes people's minds really DO play tricks on them, especially when people are already spooked or anxious. Mine does all the time, and this can manifest physically too as the nocebo effect - but I also don't like dismissing and discounting people's experiences, even if I don't personally believe in the phenomenon (such as ghosts). Something like this actually works as an explanation for why I can't perceive things they can and vice versa.

That being said, I'm Magically-minded, yet nobody's sucker. There are also people out there who I do believe are just out to make money or scare people into their religion (like "near death experiences" that are very clearly a Christian scare campaign). It could be that their belief actually did manipulate the spiritual plane to make that real and they aren't lying, but in cases like that with an agenda that clearly spells itself out, I'm inclined to doubt it. I am a jaded cynic after all.

Snow Wolf wrote:
Limitations exist for you to find a way to go beyond them.

It's like the ultimate "rules were made to be broken". Not in a negative way but in a creative way, like breaking the rules of music theory to come up with something you don't hear every day.
Snow Wolf
Snow Wolf
Posts : 210
Join date : 2022-01-27

Who am I? Empty Re: Who am I?

Mon Aug 29, 2022 9:10 am
Aldane wrote:There are also people out there who I do believe are just out to make money or scare people into their religion (like "near death experiences" that are very clearly a Christian scare campaign).

Yes, I agree, of course. Every idea, belief can get corrupted, distorted or used for nefarious purposes to manipulate  and control and make a lot of money.
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