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Snow Wolf
Snow Wolf
Posts : 210
Join date : 2022-01-27

Astral Travel  Empty Astral Travel

Fri Sep 16, 2022 10:41 am
Last night I astral travelled again, the first time in years and years. When I broke away from the church and started pursuing and investigating different spiritual paths I spontaneously started to astral travel. Initially just in my bedroom as I was quite terrified at first but then I ventured out into the rest of the house and then the neighbourhood around me. Then it all got shut down.

Last night I watched a movie on TV and as the movie ended I fell asleep in the chair I was in. I woke up with a start a little while later, the TV was still on and I could hear the sound of the AC.  I felt the weight of my eyelids and yet I could see the room around me and my head was almost touching the ceiling. I came back down again but then wanted to experience the feeling again and as soon as I had the thought I started to float off. This happened several times and then I wanted to see if I could move through the roof. As soon as I had the thought, I started to move through the roof but then I thought what if I get stuck in the roof? That brought me crashing back down and my physical eyes opened.

It’s funny but I have tried all the practices and exercises over the years but have had no luck whatsoever to make it happen again. And then it just happens when you least expect it!!!  The experience reminded me again of how easy it is to navigate the astral realm but fear stops the process.

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Astral Travel  Empty Re: Astral Travel

Sat Sep 17, 2022 1:16 am
Sounds awesome. Never managed to do it, myself. I used to be plagued - or if i'd learned to not be afraid of it, blessed - with sleep paralysis problems, and one time i came really close. I've periodically tried and I can never manage to stay asleep long enough to be conducive for that. I have insomnia for sure.
The Stag Lady
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Astral Travel  Empty Re: Astral Travel

Sat Sep 17, 2022 2:59 am
Snow Wolf wrote:The experience reminded me again of how easy it is to navigate the astral realm but fear stops the process.

Heh. Interesting, isn't it? I remember a saying from the old forums, 'Fear is the greatest enemy of the Sorcerer.' - It was only partly true, since fear grounded in the face of real danger can be a positive thing, but when it is irrational or overly extensive, it becomes a great danger in and of itself. In your case, the astral body wouldn't have gotten stuck through the roof because of the highly different kind of energy it is relative to the roof itself, though I get why you felt the impulse to wonder about it if you usually don't astral project and spend the majority your 'time' in an organic body which would very much be damaged by slamming against a ceiling.

On this note, I have been going through the book 'Astral Dynamics' by Robert Bruce and find it to be very good. The author tries to be as analytical as possible without going into faith-based systems, at least in so far as I read. Believing nothing should be what the path to Knowledge is about and some writers manage to convey that better than others - not that anyone should be trusted Smile
Posts : 32
Join date : 2022-01-27

Astral Travel  Empty Re: Astral Travel

Sat Sep 17, 2022 3:27 am
Very nice, now hold on to that feeling of when you are starting to leave the body because it helps for future APs. I think I told you that above all the exercises the most important is the intent to project, and when I feel like I'm going to project no matter what is when I do most naturally. Besides, astral projection is as normal as breathing and there a meeting with the Other feels much more likely to happen doesn't it?
Snow Wolf
Snow Wolf
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Join date : 2022-01-27

Astral Travel  Empty Re: Astral Travel

Tue Sep 20, 2022 2:22 pm
Welcome to the forum Stag Lady.

The Stag Lady wrote:Believing nothing should be what the path to Knowledge is

Yes, I very much agree,.
Snow Wolf
Snow Wolf
Posts : 210
Join date : 2022-01-27

Astral Travel  Empty Re: Astral Travel

Tue Sep 20, 2022 3:17 pm
Uthred wrote:Besides, astral projection is as normal as breathing

Ain’t that the truth, but we make it out to be something reserved  for “advanced” seekers.
I mentioned to someone who is fairly open that I had finally astral travelled after years and they were terrified of the whole idea.

In retrospect we probably all astral travel on a regular basis, it is the process of becoming lucid and fully aware  while we are doing it that is the “difficult” part..
Posts : 4
Join date : 2022-08-24

Astral Travel  Empty Re: Astral Travel

Wed Sep 21, 2022 12:59 am
Hello Snow Wolf.
I'm enjoyed reading about your astral travels.
I'm guessing it's given you a good lift lol exuse the joke,it just came out naturaly 😄.
I'm happy for you,are you still reeling a little from it,in a good way.Great post.
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